The Interact Club of LaSalle
The Interact Club of LaSalle has taken part in the following local and international projects.
Local Projects
Annual Canned Food Drive
Annual Clean Up LaSalle
Back to School Backpacks for LaSalle Hangout
Adopt-a-Family at Christmas
Community Support for Social Distancing
Downtown Mission volunteering
Electronics Recycling Drive
Holiday Hope Baskets
Packing for a Cause
Soles for Souls
Southwestern Ontario Gleaners volunteering
Touchless Clothing Drive
International Projects
Malawi Water Project. The Interact Club of LaSalle was proud to help build water wells for the community of Wasambo in Malawi, which did not have any water. We started a Go-Fund-Me for to help raise money for this cause.
Other International Projects
IGA Chicken Project in Malawi
Soccer Uniform Collection for Malawi and Ethiopia