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Feminine Hygiene Deliveries to Malawi

In July 2019, four members of the Rotary Club of LaSalle Centennial traveled to Malawi. One of the objectives of this trip was to support young girls in Malawi by providing sanitary pads and education about personal hygiene. During this trip we delivered over 300 feminine hygiene packages provided by Days For Girls and over 150 reusable sanitary pads provided by the Liberty Project of Enactus, University of Windsor to a rural community. The elders of the community were invited to attend and receive the materials.  


In some developing countries, including Malawi, menstruation creates obstacles for girls.  During this time of the month girls stop attending school because they do not have the proper supplies nor the proper hygienic facilities such as private bathrooms to deal with their menses. In general, the topic is taboo and no one talks about this natural physical cycle for women. The elders were strategically invited as they possess the position in the family structure to educate and support young girls through their monthly cycle. They were shown how the pads can be used and washed for reuse. In addition, the topics of  safe personal hygiene and safe sex were explored so that key messages could be delivered to the young women of their families.


The elders were very happy to receive the pads and showed great gratitude and appreciation to our club, the Days For Girls organization and The Liberty Project for providing all the materials. 

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